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I have been following these simple steps to help my son learn how to dress himself and some days he seems to do it really well, he can put on his own shoes and jacket and then other days he seems unable to do anything independently.

Child development is sometimes unpredictable. It is normal that at times your child looks as if he cannot do the things he managed to do yesterday. It could be because he is tired or maybe he just feels like he needs attention. We too have been in this condition, even though we are adults. Giving roro4d extra help to your child in this situation is very natural if he seems to need it.

If possible, try to use the approach of just providing a little help to slightly reduce the difficulty he is having and then let him move on. It is very important to help your child become an independent person by maintaining a positive experience for both of you and not making it a battle.

My son loves choosing what clothes he wants to wear and it makes his morning routine less stressful. Sometimes he wants to wear clothes that don’t match whatever we are going to do. For example, she wants to wear her best dress when we want to go to the playground or summer clothes when it’s really cold outside.

What should I do regarding this? I try to suggest several pieces of clothing that he can choose from, but sometimes he ends up being attracted to other clothes. I don’t feel like it’s the right thing to let him make all these decisions on his own.

This is a perfect example where preparation is the key to success. You have to make sure that what is in the wardrobe are clothes that have been prepared in such a way that whatever choice your child makes, you will be happy with it. Put your party clothes somewhere else and only take them out at the right time.

Store summer clothes in a separate place when winter comes so that he can choose whatever he wants from the winter clothes that have been provided. Of course, you may find it uses a color choice that doesn’t suit your taste, but you have to be able to accept it.